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How do I know if FODZYME is working?Updated 6 months ago

FODZYME helps manage digestive symptoms related to the FODMAPs fructan, GOS and lactose. Symptoms commonly triggered by these FODMAPs include:

  • Gas
  • Bloating
  • Diarrhea
  • Constipation
  • Abdominal pain

However, digestive issues unrelated to FODMAPs may still occur. Examples of symptoms rarely related to FODMAPs are:

  • Nausea
  • Acid reflux/heartburn
  • Burping/belching
  • Urgency right after meals

In addition to the type of digestive symptoms, the timing of symptoms can be a helpful clue in understanding how FODZYME is helping you tolerate personal food triggers. It takes 4-8 hours for FODMAPs in a meal to reach the large intestine, where they are fermented and trigger digestive distress.

Meals that cause symptoms 4-8 hours after a meal are likely due to the FODMAPs. If you feel well several hours after eating a high FODMAP food with FODZYME, this is a sign FODZYME is helping you tolerate FODMAPs.

It can take at least a week of regular use with a diverse range of FODMAP-containing foods to fully understand how FODZYME helps you tolerate FODMAPs. If you're not familiar with your FODMAP triggers yet, simply sprinkle 1 dose of FODZYME on every meal for 1 week or so and note if your symptoms improve.

In sum, if FODZYME is working for you you will feel a significant reduction in gas, bloating, abdominal pain, and/or changes in bowel habits 4-8 hours after a high-FODMAP meal compared to what you would normally experience with a similar meal.

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